Scientific name: Morinda citrifolia Linn. Common name: Indian mulberry,
Noni Local name: Mengkudu
Family: Rubiaceae
Plant: Morinda citrifolia is a small evergreen tree with a conical crown, growing up to a height of 7 m.
Leaves: The leaves are simple, arranged in opposite pairs, entire and are elliptical-lanceolate in shape. They are dark shiny green in color, glabrous with an acuminate apice and base. An average leaf measures about 30 - 35 cm in length and 13 - 15 cm in width. At each leaf axile there is a green tongue-like shaped stipule measuring about 1.5 cm in length.
Stem: The bark of this tree is greyish in color, shallowly fissured and has quadrangular branchlets
Inflorescence/Flower: The flowers are borne on inflorescence that look like fleshy heads (resembling the fruits). The flowers are bisexual, fragrant with funnel-shaped corollas. The stamens are inserted at the mouth of the corolla. The fruits are fleshy, very uneven drupes; more or less oblong in shape and when ripen they change to creamish white in color.
PLANT PARTS USED: Fruits, leaves and roots
Promote menstruation: ripe fruits eaten Increase menstrual flow: the decoction of roots consumed
Diabetes: Juice of fresh fruits consumed
Hair cleanser: The pulp of the fruit applied on the hair
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